Sunday, February 24, 2013

Picasa Picasa

Currently I am uploading my photos from #Diocgc13 onto Picasa, per the request of the person who is overseeing communications for my diocese. I informed her that I will have all the photos to her by the end of tomorrow & I SHALL meet my deadline. Once I am accustomed to using Picasa I hope that the upload & email distribution will be less tedious than it is for me today.

I did not realize how SLOW Picasa is in uploading photos to a particular album for distribution. Thankfully, I've done all the basic editing  prior to uploading the event photos---the uploads are huge { after all, I do use a brand new Nikon 3100}


  1. Would you consider giving the address for your pictures to people who attended the convention?
    I have saved the ones of my group to my computer.

  2. Sure, Nancy . I can do that. Just email me the email addresses at Thanks.
