Saturday, February 23, 2013

Saturday morning session. #Diocgc13

I got many photos of various delegations from parishes this morning. Morning Devotionals was, in my opinion dull . We read the role of each of the categories of ministry & the visiting bishop expounded upon the catechism.  Now I would HOPE that anyone attending a convention in the Church would know that material, but maybe I am wrong.

Bishop Duncan presided over a very passionate discussion  regarding the budget.  The Visiting Bishop led the congregation in devotions using the Catechism.

The delegates voted on new Standing Committee members & various resolutions.

The Bishop's staff always works extra-hard to make the annual convention run smoothly.

The delegation from our "sister parish" up the highway smiles for the camera. Getting all the delegations together in one place is a challenge, but one that I gladly undertook.

Closing Mass was wonderful. The Visiting Bishop had some wise remarks for those of us in attendance.

I've been to a total of three Conventions of my diocese . And t is my opinion that #diocgc2013 was by far the one that will leave me with  lasting memories that will be an interal part of my development as a Christ-follower.

I owe a debt of gratitude to the delegation from St Monica's Episcopal Church in Cantonment, Florida for welcoming me into their condominium for the duration of the convention. I saw many of my friends from around my Diocese , but I also made some new ones from St Monica's & for this I am grateful.

I am also grateful to e a part of the Church in this place & time. I'm more confident after today's business session that the Church is alive & well. It is also heartening for me to see lay & clergy Church leaders step forward on faith. I am grateful for Church leaders who are willing to " step out on a limb" of faith & find ways to be the Church that we have been since the first followers of Christ gathered together to worship & pray.

We are Church.Thanks be to God.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

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