Thursday, February 28, 2013

Rite of Confession

It has been over three years since my last  and first} Rite of Confession.

I am way past due to make another one. Sadly, I really know I SHOULD make the sacramental Confession, but truth be told I don't want to do it.

No one likes to face their sins in such a profound way. Bu I know from experience how cleansing this rite can be. And I needed to do it *yesterday*. But like the prideful human I am, I find excuses to NOT go to Confession.

I screw up often.

But then , everyone screws up often. God does not expect perfection--just obedience. And the Church provides us with a rite to " make things better" but openly naming one's sins before God in the presence of a priest.

To my more Protestant fiends, naming one's sins befoe a priest is not an easy task. But who said anything healthy and worthwhile is easy?

But this Lenten journey we are on isn't supposed to be easy. We will stumble.

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