Monday, February 25, 2013

My " Lycan" Book obsession

Everyone who knows me knows that I am a cheapskate when it comes o entertainment. One of the applications that is the most useful to me is the " Books Buddy" application on my NOOK Color Tablet. I've read many books that I've procured from this app, but very few are worthy of a review from me.

Approximately one month ago I came across a deal on a paranormal romance-adventure novel by little-known Canadian author Nicky Charles.  Since I am a huge fan of paranormal novels I decided to give Book One _The Mating_ a try. I finished _The Mating  immediately started to read_The Keeping_ . When I finished Book Two I read _The Finding_. In my opinion, _The Finding_  contains the darkest material thus far, but I am currently reading Book Four_Bonded_.

In spite of some rather...steamy.. coitus scenes ,{really--one can live without*that* much detail concerning werewolf " relations"} I totally enjoyed the world that the author created where Lycans { werewolves} live in ' packs" that resemble a modern-day tribe. These werewolf packs have a hierarchy that is based upon that of real wolf packs.  Lycan society is hidden from the human population & through the centuries, werewolves developed a strict code that governs their daily lives. Apparently Lycans once populated the earth in larger numbers, but humans hunted them to near extinction. Although I don't recommend these novels to anyone under the age of consent, they are a fun read that I'm enjoying immensely.

I find the premise of a fictional " secret society hidden n plain sight" fascinating. For me  that was one o the themes of the Harry Potter series of novels that intrigued me. In Book Four the author deals with the serious topic of Lycan racial cleansing. Unlike her previous three novels in this series, _Bonded_ takes place in the past---back to a time in Lycan history when packs came under the influence of " purist" Alphas who sought to rid Lycan society of " mixed" families created when werewolves paired with humans.

These books are both fun & thought-provoking. I'm finding that the Purist movement in _Bonded_ is eerily similar to the eugenics that have been documented in history

Thank you, Ms Charles, for sharing your novels with us

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