Monday, April 22, 2013

My "Professional " Facebook Page is LIVE

A couple of days ago, I finally created my Facebook page for my photography studio . I named my studio "Coastal Hillbilly Photography" So far, I'm under 20 " Likes" on Facebook, but as I promote my hobby I hope to gain more followers.

I took so many photos from my first paid gig { DioCGC13}, that only approximatly half of them are currently on my professional page. I'm also looking for a somewhat user-friendly web hosting site to host a URL . If anyone knows of any such RELIABLE web hosting domains, please email me at : Thanks. So far I've tried weebly & I find this product inferior on many levels.

I've decided that I will focus my photography gigs to events. At this point I'm not *qyite* ready to produce professioal-grade portraits.Naturally I want to get to the point where my portraiture is good enough that people will pay for me to take portraits. I also need to somehow invest in Photoshop. Best Dude has  decent editing software on his desktop computer, but it " ain't" Photoshop.

Anyhow, it is one step at a time. I'm a " work-in-progress" as a photographer & I enjoy learning & practicing techniques. This evening I perused Ebay pricing tripods for my Nikon camera.

I will not give up.

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