Friday, May 10, 2013

On the eve of my 37th year

I turn 37 this month.

Actually , the date of my birth is celebrated on the 17th

My 20th high school reunion is next summer. { Class of 1994}

This is a time of great reflection for me.

I'm NOT the shy, scrawny  girl that most of my classmates will remember.

These past almost 20 years have seen both joys & sorrows.

But, the old adage is: what won't kill ya will make ya stronger.

Many women fear Time .

I do not: I embrace growing older.

I earned every "laugh line" on my face. I've much to celebrate  during this 37th year.

Perhaps that some people find their 20's to be the best decade in life. This is not true for me: I struggled throughout my second decade just as much as I'd struggled throughout my teen years.

I drifted from job to job & from doctor to doctor: No one knew exactly why my brain works differently & as a result I'd been in & out of various psychotherapies. { both pharmaceutical & other} I struggled with seeking  direction in my spiritual life while feeling entrapped within a toxic faith community.

Thanks be to God that I had the courage to seek out Small Parish & The Episcopal Church.

My parents are true heroes. I am eternally grateful to them for their assistance. Mom & Dad, as they always have went way beyond the parental " call of duty" ---and without their assistance I would most-likely be just another statistic.

Mom was the one who, through an associate she knew , got me tested for autism. Although I DO NOT let my diagnosis of autism define me: it is a part of who I am that I do not deny.

I'm entering my 37th year of life on this Planet Earth in the best physical shape I've ever been. Although I was an athlete{ albeit not a very successful one---especially in basketball}, my poor self-image made me struggle with body dysmorphia.

Not anymore.

My new motto is: STRONG IS THE NEW SKINNY.

I am Woman, so hear me ROAR! Bring it on, 20th high school reunion!

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