Thursday, May 2, 2013

Did you pray today?

Did you pray today?

I was reminded this morning that today is the National Day of Prayer.

I keep a running list of intentions about which I discuss with Our LORD. Praying on behalf of others is easy, but praying for my own needs is hard. I've already been blessed with so much---and I know of so many others with much more pressing needs than mine.

Lately I've been more mindful of THANKING God our Creator for the many blessings I've been given.

My spiritual director once told me that even Jesus Himself asked for prayers from His friends, so it is perfectly OK for us to petition God on behalf of our own needs.

Well said{ as usual} Father Bob. Well said.

Anyhow, why is it so hard to discuss our own concerns with our loving God? Why am I{ for example} so self-conscious about praying for myself?


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