Saturday, May 4, 2013

Upgrade to an Ipod Touch 5 #Firstworldproblems #bestBoyfriendEver

Best Dude gave me my birthday present early===he bought me an Ipod Touch 5.

Although I admit to being a total Windows devotee I am learning the Apple operating system slowly but surely on my new Ipod.

For those of you who do not know---the Ipod Touch is pretty much a mini-tablet computer. As a matter of fact, the ONLY trouble that I've found with the unit thus far is getting most of my music files transferred to the device. Naturally the music that i listen to the most is the music that will not transfer. :o/

The only music files that have successfully transferred to my new Ipod so far are the ones that i actually purchased from Itunes. { most of my digital music library is comprised of music I had transposed into digital form} Best Dude told me he thinks the problem is the anti-piracy software that might be built into the new IOS operating system. A friend of mine who is a BIG fan of Apple products said that I *shouldn't* need to deal with the problems with the transfer of my music that I'm experiencing.

Other than that, the Ipod Touch 5 is awesome! I am, as a photographer, particularly impressed with the quality of the " mobile" camera found on this unit. I've taken two photos thus far with my Ipod & even Best Dude is impressed with the clarity of the mobile photos. :O)

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