Sunday, May 5, 2013

Smile, you are on Instagram!

I'm slowly teaching myself the myriad the new features of my mobile device.

Last evening I made two { unsuccessful} Face Time calls. But I did see how that application works, even though **both** individuals whom I contacted via Face Time did not respond.

Anyhow, since my Ipod Touch 5 came with the Instagram app already installed, I finally bit the proverbial bullet & signed up for an Instagram account. In case any of my readers want to " follow" me here on Instagram, my handle there is: springermamma12.  But I warn you, you will not see anything salacious on my Instagram, I have this hunch that almost all of my posts will be of our English Springer Spaniel, Seamus. :O)

My Ipod is not data-compatible, so I'll not post pix on Instagram from every minute of every day---like one of the people whom I " follow". :O) But I try to embrace " new{ and Instagram is new to me} technology so we'll see how often I post to this particular social media platform.

Happy snapping, y'all.

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