Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A life well-lived..for 95 years

 " A Child needs a grandparent, anybody's grandparent, to grow a little more securely into an unfamiliar world." ~ Charles & Ann Morse.

Requisitat en pacem, Jeanne Sharpe " Grandma" Cable. After a long life of 95 years, she went to her Eternal Reward yesterday morning. "Grandma" Cable was not blood kin, she was my godfather's mother. But, I believe that family is not restricted to those with whom you share DNA. My godparents & their kin re family to me.

"Grandma"  hasn't been healthy at all these past few years. Since I've moved south I'd only spent time with her when 'd visit my godfamily at the lake during summers. I knew , at the en of each visit, that I might not  see her again, so I always  made a point to tell her" I love you".

She taught me a lot. I've learned to see beauty in my everyday, ordinary surroundings.  { She had been an artist in her younger years} She also taught me to have an appreciation for all living creatures,including snakes & spiders. { However---I still am not a fan of most insects, save for ladybugs & butterflies}

But one of the most vital lessons I learned from Grandma Cable is that one need not agree with someone 's socio/political views in order to have love for them.

We'll miss ya, " Grandma". Say HI to Glenn for all of us!

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