Friday, January 25, 2013

Beach in January

I checked my Facebook & saw that the family & friends up there in Appalachia are pretty much snowed in.
Since I grew up in the Snow Belt I understand their frustration.

This morning  I went to the beach after I attended my gym session. It was a perfect day for walking on the beach with my new Nikon camera. I wore a pair of long " gym pants", a t-shirt and a light jacket. At the end of my walk I had to remove my jacket , it was too warm in the sun!


Until today I had not been to our local beach in many weeks, so I am especially glad that I took the opportunity to enjoy our local Gulf beach today.

I do admit that I miss my mountains up North---ESPECIALLY during the seemingly endless and miserably humid Florida summers. Yuck.Yuck.Yuck.

Humidity here in  in inescapable  in the summer months  and our " summer" seas lasts from May -October. My annual trip to my godparents' Lake in rural Eastern Ohio is my respite from the oppressing humidity that comprise Florida summers.

I like snow, but since I came of age up north I learned quickly to not like ICE on the roads.

It is dangerous to drive on icy roads and I do not miss the stress that worrying about someone while waiting for them to drive home on icy mountain roads. When we lived in eastern Ohio my Dad's commute from work included a long stretch of driving on icy and { in some places} narrow , rural mountain roads. I am not kidding--- it is scary and especially scary after dark.

This was my view this morning when I went outside for a walk:
My new Nikon is so good, hat the photos I took at the beach required little editing. The individual file sizes are huge, so its essential to at least employ a wee bit of cropping. When I email my photo files taken with the Nikon I found out that I cannot attach more than four files.  My " old" camera is a Canon PowerSht and , although a good " beginner's" camera I am grateful for my new Nikon. Of course I a still discovering it features...I've yet to attempt to take video.

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