Sunday, January 13, 2013

Quotable quote

I saw a graphic on Facebook today that really " rings true" to me. It says:

" One of the biggest challenges in life is being yourself in a world that's trying to make you like everyone else"~ Anonymous.

To a person with autism this statement is particularly pertinent. People with autism's brains work differently, therefore we ARE different. People with autism were born with autism & it is part of who we are.

Growing up, I always wanted to be like all the other children in my school. I did well academically, but socially could not " connect" with my classmates.  Since my social skills lacked, I was an outcast from my early school days. Boys ignored me but girls were cruel. Even now, I struggle with maintaining & initiating friendships with women Men, to me, are " better" friendship material. { of course since my social skills are lacking, " dating" as a teen was a debacle. As a matter of fact, in middle & high school my crush was on one of y closest guy friends....and naturally I never told him that I wanted to be more than friends.

It is hard to be that proverbial square peg in a round hole. Yet as I've matured I've realized that humanity's diversity is a Blessing.  However, I wish that the majority of people would accept that different is not less.

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