Friday, January 18, 2013

The scales don't lie....I am too thin.

This week I've switched from drinking Muscle Milk as a nutritional supplement to drinking the Ensure  weight-gain formula.  After more than 12 months of trying to gain weight & build muscle I've { albeit slow-ly}  done the former but still struggle with the latter.

Anyhow, the Ensure formula that I now use to supplement my diet post-workout has 100 more calories than the Muscle Milk. I've also discovered that this Ensure formula taste MUCH better than even the Muscle Milk & is also MUCH easier on my sensitive stomach than the latter.

Best Dude & I cannot figure out why I cannot seem to add pounds. I work out hard & I've even cut running  one mile three days per week from my routine. My new cardio exercise is now WALKING on a treadmill set to an INCLINE---so I can increase my heart rate wile working on strengthening my legs.

I WILL gain weight ...I will gain weight.

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