Monday, January 14, 2013

Ensuring health

I've been a bit sick these past two days & I hate illness.

Anyhow, when I did my weekly weigh-in this morning, I realized that I lost two pounds of my already slender fame. We're concerned , so Best Dude &  went to the local Wal-Mart {YUCKY} and bought some Ensure to supplement my meals.

Until now, my post-workout drink of choice has been Muscle Milk.   Someone told me that drinking Ensure post-workout is better: this product as 100 more carefully-formulated calories than does Muscle Milk.  I am not sure yet if I'll like the taste of this new supplement, but I am committed to drinking all of it. If it is not condusive to my taste buds I will find another supplement.

Part of autism for many people includes various gastrointestinal problems. I am not an exception to this fate: my intestinal tract is sensitive , as is my stomach. When I  over-eat in one sitting, I feel ill. Certain foods also adversely affect my lower intestines. Some people with autism follow special diets, but I choose to eat a sensible, healthy diet.

My metabolism makes gaining wight difficult & I hate when people judge me { they think I am anorexic!} based on my Body Mass Index.

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