Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Lake Autumn 2010

 In the autumn of 2010 I had some free airline miles, so I went back to the Lake on October.  We do not get much " autumn" here in Northwest Forida, so it was a special treat for me to see autumn leaves & experience " sweater weather".  My godsister and I also went to visiit her sister in Akron,Ohio overnight.

Here is the view from the house of the Lake one October at dusk.  

My godbrother's son & I went " fishing" off of the " boat" :O)

 We attended a high school football game. Did I mention it was a HOME game? Go Wildcats!

My younger godsister at the Light-UP Lantern Festival, 2010 in Akron, Ohio.

 The band plays at halftime at the football game.

              My other godsister and I went to the local " pumpkin patch" one sunny autumn afternoon.

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