Wednesday, January 9, 2013

I've Moved!

I finally gave up on Word press...after over 400 posts I've returned to Blogspot. Hopefully, I'll stay her until the demise of my blogging career.Wordpress had served me well, but I felt increasigly unhappy with all the " updates" they've rolled out in these past few weeks. I have a  mild form of autism, so I do NOT adjust to changes well at all.  So, here I am.

What you need to know about me:

I'm in my 30's

I'm Christian  proud to be a " progressive Christian". I'm an Episcopalian & attend a wonderful Small Parish near my home.

Although I'm apolitical, my political philosophy tends to lean towards libertarianism. Basically, I think the government should invade the lives of we reasonable & capable adult humans.

I have strong opinions on  various & sundry array of subjects.

Dogs, in my opinion are the best companion animals. We have a rescued English Springer Spaniel amed Seamus & he is our" child".

My significant other is the Best Dude ever & in my blog I will refer to him by that moniker.

One of my many obsessions is with weight-training. I am in the gym or swimming pool at least five days every week.   My routines focus mostly on getting stronger, but in the past12 months I've FINALLY noticed some feminine muscular definition.

Anyhow,my name is Sarah  I am currently living on Florida's Northwest Gulf Coast. I'd authored a  blog on Wordpress called _Canterbury Chronicles_ for nearly three years. Since changes forced me to move my wordsmithing , I am  totally " overhaul" my online presence.  Right now I am not sure if this log will even take on a focus or remain a " general purpose" weblog. My blog's title comes from the fact that I live in a beach community, but grew up in the Appalachian foothills of western Pennsylvania & eastern Ohio { yeah--I'll blog about the Steubenville situation soon}Now my ife is in Florida, but a lot of my frames of reference come from my middle-class hillbilly upbringing.


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