Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Camming it up

Last evening I updated my Skype account. This was NOT an easy undertaking, but now I've all my Skype settings to where I want them .

Since I do not yet own a web cam, I'm in the market for an inexpensive yet easy-to-use unit that will be compatible with my Windows XP laptop. I do not need anything too fancy or with a lot of pixels, I just want to have the capability to Skype-talk with family & friends who live far away.  In the future I am hoping to have the capabilities to participate in web-conferencing via Skype.

I'm not good with deducing facial inflections, so Skyping via web cam can be an exercise in attempting to further understand the mystery{ to me at least} that is the human face.

Can anyone let me know which web-camera I should buy to best suit my needs? Thanks .

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