Monday, March 25, 2013

Palm/Passion Sunday 2013

Yesterday was Palm/Passion Sunday . Per the request of the newsletter editor at Small Parish, I took a few photos of the altar area & Liturgy of the Palms at the 8 a.m. Mass.

Here is the cross that adorns the East Wall of the church. As you can see, there is a RED draping over the cross. Red is the liturgical color of, among other things, Christ's Passion on the Cross.

This is the processional cross that is carried into and out of the nave at every Mass. During Lent, It is draped in a purple cloth & this week, it is also draped in the red of Christ's Passion.
The altar at Small Parish on Palm/Passion Sunday. I love the juxtaposition between the palms & the blood-red cloth on the cross above the altar.

May you all have a blessed Holy Week.

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