Monday, March 4, 2013

#ThisIsWhatAFeministLooksLike : St Teresa of Avila.

Today's " she-ro" lived a long time ago.

St Teresa of Avila, born in Spain in 1515 and died on October of 1582. The Roman Catholic Church, the Anglican Communion & the Lutheran Churches all recognize her in their Calendar of Saints.

Teresa is known as an earl reformer of the Church. Along wit St John Of The Cross, she was active in the reform of monasteries throughout Europe. She was also a prolific writer & an esteemed Christian mystic.

Along with St Catherine of Seina, Teresa of Avila is one of only two women who are considered Doctors of the Church. St Teresa is known as the patron saint of: headache suffers & Spanish Catholic writers. Her feast day is celebrated on October 15.


Teresa of Avila, unlike many of the female saints of long ago, was not martyred. She is also proof that one person can make a huge difference in reforming and/or restructuring the institutional Church. the Church needs people who are willing to step out & call the institution out when it becomes errant.  the Body of Christ is a living Body &should grow and change--- as do all living entities.


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