Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Why I am a " Straight Ally"

 The graphic below says it all: I am an ally.

There are many reasons why I am an ally for the CIVIL RIGHTS of our GLBT population.

1. My parents raised me not to hate anyone who is different.

2. In college I met some of the nicest people who just* happened* to be gay/lesbian. Their sexual preference does NOT deter from my capabilities to sustain a friendship with them. Yes. I , as a straight woman, am friends with lesbians. And no I do not fear that they will" hit on me".  I don't find ALL men I meet attractive, so why should gay & lesbian people find someone attractive JUST BECAUSE of their gender?

3. I was born " different" too.
I have autism & I DO NOT let my autism define who I am as a human, so why should people let another's sexual preference define him or her before you have a chance to meet? It makes me angry when I see/hear/read comments regarding people with autism that are based exclusively on generalizations. Unlike many people whom I know & have known, I do NOT think that homosexuality is " learned" nor is it{ in my opinion} a " choice". I did not choose autism--so why would I think that anyone who is GLBT would choose that part of their identity.

4. One of my close relatives is GLBT. Although I've always supported  human rights, my relative's " coming out" has inspired me to take a more vocal stance on equality. It is true that when someone in your family is GLBT, the issue becomes more personal.

5. I do not think that the government should have ANY say in whom consenting adults choose to love. Enough said.

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