Friday, December 27, 2013

For some, a " Blue Christmas"

For most of us, it has been a merry Christmastide, filled with family, friendship, worship and food. I am among the blessed this Christmastide. Best Dude & I participated in a lovely Christmas Eve Mass at Small Parish Tuesday night followed by fun, frolicking and FOOD at my parents' house on Christmas Day.

But for some people, this Christmastide ushered in unspeakable sadness.

A family whom I know in Ohio lost their 38 year old son to an illness on Christmas eve. 

Closer to home, a 17-year-old student at a neighboring high school stabbed his mother to death in their home. the young man is being charged as an adult for second-degree murder . His late mother was a teacher at one of the local middle schools, so this senseless act of violence affects two local school communities.

I am sad. And I feel guilty because I am among my loved ones this Christmastide and others I know are suffering from a terrible loss.

We need to remember that not everyone is in a celebratory mood this Christmas season. Around the world, people are hurting .

Life isn't fair all of the time and sometimes life just sucks!  People get sick and other people commit acts of unspeakable violence against one another.  But the world into which Jesus was born was not " a rose garden" either.  Yet God loved humanity so much that God sent Jesus to live among us AS A HUMAN. he felt pain. He was sad at times.  He was betrayed by a friend before He died.

Emmanuel, " God-as-Human" came to us & is still with us today. he understands that even during the " most wonderful time of the year" that some are hurting.

The baby whose birth we celebrate at this time of year DOES understand that some people are having a Blue Christmas.


Thursday, December 19, 2013

Hey you, Mr Robertson

There is some " Quackery" going on regarding Duck Dynasty's patriarch  and his views on homosexuality today. When I turned on my laptop this morning and logged on to Facebook I was saturated with comments about what Robertson patriarch said regarding his views on homosexuality.

Now don't get me wrong: I totally disagree with Phil Robertson's views on homosexuality. I Totally think his views are errant. Several of my close associates and one member of my family are GLBT. My life is enriched by having these folks in it & I would not want them to try to " change" an essential part of their identity.

 But on the other hand, I will continue to enjoy the entertainment his show provides to me. I grew up among many men who look a lot and act very much like Mr Robertson. { If y'all think rednecks are conservative, come to where I grew up & meet my hillbilly kin and friends}  One does not need to agree with the star of any " reality TV" show to enjoy the entertainment value of said shows. I've read Phil Robertson's book, and I came away from that thinking that he { Robertson} tries to do what he thinks is right. Sometimes I found myself agreeing with his philosophies, and other times I think his views are rather extreme.

The bottom line is: we need not agree with Mr Robertson to appreciate his show. Similarity, we need not agree with Chik-Fil-A's anti-homosexual stance to enjoy the occasional sandwich from that franchise.

Live & let live.


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Las Posadas: Hospitality.

Best Dude and I are hosting Las Posadas in our home this evening.

We set the figurines of the Holy Parents in a spot of honor under our small tree.

 I've been thinking about what it means to practice REAL , and RADICAL  hospitality.  How good are we Christ-followers at practicing real hospitality?

Think about it for a minute:

If a young , poor expectant couple came knocking on yours or my door seeking help, how would we react? Would we invite the young couple in for a cup of tea or coffee and ask them if they are hungry? Would we offer them a place to sleep for the night?

Or would we call the police...or " take matters into our own hands".

The sort of hospitality that Jesus asks us to practice is not about setting a nice meal for our friends from similar backgrounds, ethnicity's  or lifestyles.

What if the young couple who knocks on our "door" is of another race? What if the don't speak English at all? Or what if said couple is comprised of two men or two women? What if the couple had with them a child {or adult} with special medical needs?

" Sorry, there is no room at this inn for you. You don't look like me or my neighbors. You smell yucky. Are you even married? Your type isn't wanted here. . Go away before I call the police."

Let me be clear: I am not necessarily speaking about a literal couple knocking on the door of our literal homes. Rather I am talking about how we behave when encountered by such  strangers who, for whatever reason, put us ill-at-ease.

How would we react? How DO we react? More importantly, how does Our Lord Jesus Christ expect us to act?

Are we supposed to extend the peace of Our Lord to those with whom we share commonalities? Who is welcome to join our fellowship? Are we " Instruments of God's peace " or are we gatekeepers with a power-hungry complex? Do we find joy in trying hard to keep out those who are different from ourselves and from most of our social circles?

Scripture tells us that He ate with strangers of all types --ESPECIALLY those whom, in first-century Judea, were pretty much " untouchables".  he healed on the Sabbath. he let a Samaritan woman touch him.  He set a small child on His lap as an example to the type of faith the adults present should possess.

Jesus did not turn away strangers , or people " not like Him." If He is our Lord, shouldn't we follow His example and also welcome others?


Monday, December 9, 2013

Convention '13

Yesterday we had our Annual meeting at Small Parish. Among other things, we elected new vestry members and delegates to Convention. Our parish gets three voting lay delegates and as many alternates to each yearly Convention. I am among the  alternate delegates.

Convention is one of my favorite parts of Church life. Each February, I see many of my friends from around the Diocese at these yearly gatherings. This years' Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of the central Gulf Coast is in Pensacola. Since I am an alternate, unless there is a real need for me to step in and vote in place of one of our regular delegates, I can attend Convention and totally enjoy the experience.

Yay, Church!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Las Posadas

 We at Small Parish is observing Las Posadas this Advent. Images of the Holy Couple will make their rounds to homes within the parish during Advent. A bit of research  revealed to me today that  traditional Las Posadas is a novena { nine-day prayer period} that starts December 16 and goes through until Christmas Eve Night { December 24} 

Best Dude and I will host the Holy Couple on Tuesday . I am looking forward to this , although both Best Dude and I are not *quite* sure what Las Posadas will look like for us, but we are anticipating this spiritual practice with joy.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

I'm back! Its December 1.

As anyone who follows me on Facebook knows, I have been participating in National Novel Writing Month all of November. the object of " Nanowrimo" is to write 50,000 words in 30 days during November. I put aside all other writing projects, including blogging, to do this year's Nanowrimo. Although I STILL did not complete the 50,000-word challenge, I DID start a heck of a writing project that I plan to {eventually} finish.  I'm writing a young adult paranormal novel about a young werewolf's freshman year at university.  Writing in the YA/Paranormal Romance genre has proven to be more challenging than I had anticipated, but I am in no way giving up on completing the draft of the novel.

It has also been a rough weekend, football-wise, for me. My Steelers lost to those hated Baltimore Ravens on Thanksgiving eve and yesterday my Crimson Tide fell at literally the last daggone SECOND to that other Alabama college football team. Ugh.

Today also marks the beginning of the Advent season in the liturgical year. When Best Dude and I walked into the nave today before morning Mass, I noticed that the altar cloths, our priest's vestments and the wall hangings on the east wall are a glorious purple hue. To me, Advent is a season of hopeful anticipation for new beginnings.

This year Best Dude and I will participate in Las Posadas, a symbolic procession of a likeness of the Blessed Mother & St Joseph that will travel from house to house among parishioners throughout the Advent season. I've not done this before, so I'm looking forward to Mary & Joseph " visiting"our house on the 10th of this month. Las Posadas reminds me that the hopeful anticipation of the season sets the tone for what the Christmas hustle & bustle REALLY should be about: Our Lord Jesus Christ. I'm as guilty as the next person when it comes to the secular,. albeit FUN aspects of the holiday season.

It is hard, but I am making a concerted effort to take " time out for the coming Christ" this Advent. Won't you join me?


1 Advent 2013

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Life begins after 30

There is a meme going around Facebook which, although I am amused by it,  it does not " speak" to my life experiences.

My teenage years & even my 20's basically sucked.  High school & middle school were especially painful for me. Although I met some of my closest friends during my first stink at college, my second decade was not too much better than was my first one.

Some people may wish to relive their youth, but I eagerly anticipate whatever the future holds for me. While I am grateful for the past & all I've learned, I do not desire to relive those years. In a culture that glorifies youth, I choose to look forward to maturing with pride & dignity. At the age of 37, I am in the BEST physical shape that I've ever been! I'm free from the painful dietary restrictions of disordered eating & the correct combinations of medicines  helped me cope with living on the {highly-functioning} autism spectrum.  I'm blessed to be in a relationship with the love of my life. While I will never really consider myself as a Floridian, I'm truly enjoying coastal life

You can keep your youth if you wish to do so. Bring on the future!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Googled Chrome & A blonde Black Widow.

I finally gave in to they hype & installed Google Chrome as my browser. To be honest, the only reason I did so was to use the photo-editing that ONLY is supported by Chrome.

Say WHAT?!

As an aside, here is a photo { taken by Best Dude} of yours truly all dressed for Boo At The Zoo yesterday. yep---I was Marvel's " Black Widow" .

Clearly I did not choose to gamble on " wash-out" hair color---so MY version of the Marvel heroine is a blonde.

I'm a HUGE " Avengers" connoisseur & my two favorite crime-fighting weirdos are Iron Man{Robert Downy Jr just makes  Tony Stark/Iron Man even more *YUMMY* to me & Black Widow.  As a feminist, I can appreciate how BW can kick-ass along with the male Avengers yet retains her femininity.

I usually do not dress for Halloween, but since I volunteered to staff the Relay For Life of Small Beach Town on Saturday I played along as one of my favorite Avengers. 

My autism , coupled with my natural introversion, makes it REALLY hard for me to chat with strangers, especially in a busy setting such as a zoo. But I "toughened up" { OOO-RAH} & challenged myself to spend two full days { Saturday & the Saturday prior} to passing out candy at the Relay booth. Guess what? It was FUN!  My goal is to break into more social situations with more ease. Normally I am all right among people whom I know ---it is finding myself among strangers that makes me want to find a rock under which to hide.

I did well for the 5 hours I was at the zoo. But by the time I arrived home I felt mentally AND physically tired. However, I am glad that I put myself " out there" in the community . It was a lot of fun. As a matter of fact If it were not for Mass this morning I would have gone back to the zoo today.

Anyhow, I do not understand what the hype is surrounding Google Chrome. In as far as I can tell, Chrome looks & operated just like the older version of Google.

That is all for today. Shalom, y'all.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

30 Days of Gratitude

I am embarking on a social/ personal experiment. Starting tomorrow, every day I will post to social media ONE thing{ no matter how seemingly small} for which I have gratitude.  In addition to the " Dose of Thankfulness posts, I will do my best to journal my thoughts each day regarding this exercise.

Care to join me? " Friend" me on Facebook .  My public Facebook page is " Tales Of A Coastal Hillbilly" & Its accessible to anyone on Facebook.  I do not give out my real name to strangers online, but if you know me in real life & are not yet a Facebook friend, please feel free to request me.

Anyhow, I know times are tough , but many of us have so much more than we realize---even in today's lousy economy Americans are still at the top of the world economy{ though for how long this will be true is anyone's guess}

November is an ideal time to " count our blessings. Please consider joining me in this online endeavor.


Friday, October 18, 2013

Bullying stops here NOW

I take a stand against bullying.

When I graduated from school 20 years ago, bullies tormented victims either in person, using nasty handwritten notes in lockers,  or via telephone.

Today's bullies have a whole new slew of tools with which to torture victims.

I am grateful that I grew up before the Internet became a huge part of everyday life.

The effects of bullying affect victims throughout our lives.  Although TV's _The Big Bang Theory_ is fictional, the show's main protagonists are all victims of severe bullying & it affects their perception of society.

It is hard to trust people who appear to be kind when one's perceptions have been altered by bullying
Since my tormentors were other girls, I struggle with forming relationships with other women. I never know when someone I meet is being friendly or " catty". My social anxiety is further affected by my slight autism--- I don't understand sarcasm { think  " Sheldon Cooper" of _The Big Bang Theory_} and I am very self-conscious when meeting new people.

Yet my experience with bullying has made me an advocate for those who ARE bullied.  In my opinion, people should be free to be whom they are without fear of retribution from " the cool kids".

That's all.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Bwok Bwok.....

Best Dude & I now have chickens!

This girl in the photo is " Queenie". She is a Marin hen & is the " boss" of our flock.

We have 7 others.

Four of them are Cochin hens and one is a half-breed{ whom we call " Cher"}.

Queenie & " Hashtag" , our other Marin, are both molting. Yes, "Best Dude named one of our hens " Hashtag".}
The eggs that our girls produce are big, brown-shelled eggs. As of now, the girls have been low on their egg-production, but as we are new to chicken-farming we are not too disappointed.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

My Reason to Relay

I'm more involved in this year's Relay For Life campaign.  Currently I am working with the Survivor/Caregiver committee.

Pictured below is a photo of my Reason To Relay:

The man on the left was my Pap, my paternal grandfather.  He died in 2001 from his second bout of prostate cancer. The man on the right is my Dad. This photo was taken years ago { before I was born} on the island of Martha's Vineyard.

I miss him everyday. Although I was blessed with having Pap in my life for 23 years: his was the first death that really " hit home" for me.

Cancer takes away so many people each year. This hear I also lost a dear friend to his disease & several people I know in my parish are fighting it now.

The American Cancer Society is leading the course for a cure . Will you help me help find a cure for cancer  so that someday everyone will have " more birthdays"? Thanks.

Friday, October 4, 2013

NaNoWriMo...I'm in!

It is official. I, Sarah Beth, am an official participant of National Novel Writers' Month. The idea is to write {at leas}t 50,000 words during the month of November. there is a web site where you can enter your word count daily and also communicate with " writing buddies" from your geographical area & even around the world.

This year I am focusing on FUN...and not quality. As a matter of fact this year's genre is a Young Adult Paranormal novel about a coming-of-age female vampire.

Yup. I'm writing a vampire novella.

 My heroine, Katharine { or Kat, as she'll be known to my readers} is the anti-Bella Swan.  My heroine is strong, confident & ready to fulfill her destiny. Unlike Bella, Kat embraces the changes that fate has forced upon her.

Naturally, my young heroine will have a love interest, but her object of affection will be her 18th Century British Lit professor. He is a tall, dark and handsome....human.

Stay tuned, as I have not yet worked out the details of that plot line yet!

 Kat knows that pairings between vampires & humans is forbidden---she herself is the result of a young human man falling in love with an impressionable vampire girl. In order to protect her, Kat's parents placed her with a human family who were childhood friends of her father. Kat loves her foster parents very much, but from the tender age of four, she knew she was inherently different..

Here we go......

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

I've been remiss..and I've literally dealt with shit everywhere.

I've been remiss, but life has kept me busy.

Last weekend I went to Atlanta to see my ADORABLE baby nephew. My brother & SIL had a little open house party to celebrate his arrival , so I saw some of my other relatives who reside in  Atlanta and met some of my siblings' friends.  Naturally I took several GREAT photos of my baby nephew, but I will not post them for the entire World Wide Web to view.

I arrived home on Sunday tired and grouchy. Best Dude had to work, so after I'd " chillaxed" for a bit, I decided to take a nice warm shower .{ This usually sooths much travel-weary muscles} I'd noticed that the shower drain was not removing the water efficiently, but I'd paid no heed to it until AFTER I'd stepped out of the shower. Water was EVERYWHERE and seeping into the bedroom.  Quickly I dispatched some towels in an attempt to control the flow of sewer water into the bedroom. A quick call to Best Dude advised me to monitor the situation & " test " the septic tank by throwing in some clothes in the washing machine.

When I checked on the situation a few minutes later there was a deluge of sewage. A quick look into the spare bathroom confirmed that the backed up septic tank was also emptying into the bathtub.  After I stopped the washing machine I called my parents{ my neighbor whom I would usually call during such a crisis as this was not home that day}

My Dad, THANKS BE TO GOD, came over with his shop-vac & we cleaned up the master bed/bath area as best we could. Every towel we have in the house was used in the cleanup.

In the garage I found Best Dude's industrial fan & carried it into the house to aid in the drying process.

Since we could not use the water, it was an " interesting"{ to say the least} evening at our house.  Best Dude called a sewage company in the morning & we once again have a working septic tank.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Remembering, but not dwelling

I love blogs. Most of the blogs I follow are those of people whom I know in real life {IRL}

Anyhow, today I saw a blog by my rector that REALLY made me think.

I see a lot of posts on Facebook today about the anniversary of 11 September 2001. Heck, I even posted my own " where I was when the planes hit" status today.

My rector's musings on his blog today were NOT the average 11 September 2001 musings.

he reminded us that, when it is right & good to pause in remembrance  of the tragedy that occurred today, we must not forget to LIVE.

In the years before & sine 2001, this day on the calendar has been cause for celebrations for countless people. Birthdays, anniversaries & other " milestones" of human life have & always will occur on this day.

After all, there ore only 365 or {every four years) 366 days in every rotation around our sun.

It is good to remember & pay respect to collective tragedies that occur within our history. Yet we also need to celebrate all that makes life good--and celebrate each & every day.


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Nothing at all to writing...only blood, sweat & tears

Today's quote is :

"There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter & bleed." ~Ernest Hemingway

Well, said Old Man of The Sea.

I am still not anywhere near finished with my short story. To be quite honest: I have not looked at it since last month.  I've discovered that writing a work of fiction that is so entangled in some emotional truth in my life is hard.

I WANT to tell this story, and I NEED to tell it. Yet I've had the worst trouble with " writers' block".

Writers' block sucks.

For a few days, I was faithful in my pursuit of literature. I wrote every day, if only a paragraph or two.  I've discovered that the closer I get to the "truth" upon which the fiction is based, the more trouble I find while trying to make the words come.


Writing can be literally PAINFUL. It can call to one's subconscious all sorts of" demons" from one's past. {Especially if said mental demon that is the subject of the work of fiction was not * all bad*}


Saturday, September 7, 2013

"Only the good die young" and other musings

My friend  was called Home to his Maker a couple of days ago.

I am heartbroken. Although my faith teaches me that he is in a better place & without suffering, my heart aches for the wife & grown sons that he left behind on this Earth.

Requisitat en pacem, " G". You were a true hero & a friend to so many.

After praying for the repose of my friend's soul, I started asking God WHY.

Why must a good man like " G" die young of a horrible disease when there are so many " lifers" in our prison systems who spend their healthy days locked in a cell & taken care of by our government?

Why must our government spend billions of dollars planning to police the world with gunships and other weapons while saying that there isn't enough money in the coffers to give combat veterans access to the health care they need & deserve?

Why must children go to bed without supper when lobbyists wine & dine members of Congress? Why do lobbyists even exist?

Why , if one dares to question the " party line" fed to us by the mainstream media & the corporations who control our elected officials is one referred to as unpatriotic? A person can love his or her nation and still passionately dislike its government & the people in charge of said government.

Why must some upper-middle-class & wealthy Americans use their money to bully people & organizations into following "their" agenda?

Why must there even BE agendas? Life would be so much more pleasant if we humanoid s would just learn to get along.

Think about it:

A society free from bullies.

A society where equality for all persons, regardless of their " other-ness" is fully achieved.

A government that takes care of her people before seeking out ways to bend other nations to its will.



Friday, September 6, 2013

This week's Gospel lesson...and looming war drums

There are many reasons why I am against the war drumming that President Obama has been beating lately.

Sunday's Gospel lesson is ...interesting.

Read this:

"Or what king, going out to wage war against another king, will not  sit down first and consider whether he is able with ten thousand to oppose the one who comes against him with twenty thousand. If he cannot then, while the other is still far away, he sends a delegation and asks for terms of peace."
{Luke 14:31-32}

First, let me admit that I HATE prooftexting Scripture. More conservative Christian denominations use this technique to justify their hatred of people" not like us" , so I am very wary of anyone prooftexting Scripture.

Secondly, my EFM studies have taught me that this passage really is NOT about war, it is about the cost of  following Jesus.

But if I WERE clergy , and I am clearly not of the order of priests, I would struggle with the urge to preach an anti-war { and some would say an isolationist} message. Anyone who knows me at all knows how I feel about our great military's continual involvement in foreign conflicts. I have never believed that the place of a world superpower such as the United States is to " police" other nations and punish them for not accepting the Western worldview of life. call me a " dirty Libertarian" if you wish, but the verbs OFFENSE and DEFENSE are not synonymous.

Taking out bin Laden is defense. Bombing Syria is offense.

I do not see Jesus, if He were walking the Earth today, wielding machine guns and waging war against anyone who disagreed with Him. So at the risk of sounding terribly dated and cliche, I ask

What is it that Jesus would do?

Clearly I do not know the answer to this question. {If I did, I would for sure not be sitting in this po-dunk beach town, I'd be teaching graduate-level courses at a top-notch university.}

It is true that the cost of discipleship is great & that he requires much from those who follow Him.  yet I doubt that He would authorize a war against a rogue nation--a rouge nation located in a part of the world that has suffered conflict since before the time of Jesus Himself. Would Jesus want His disciples to wage war against those who do not accept His teachings? I doubt it. Perhaps he'd encourage more genuine diplomacy between two nations with opposing ideas regarding what is " right"?

The Syrian government is committing atrocities against her own people & that is morally wrong.  Yet will the bombing of Syria by Western superpowers really convince the regime in that nation that using chemical agents as war weapons is wrong? It will not.


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

In this house.....

I found today's quote on  Pinterest{ I am a confessed Pinterest addict]

Anyhow, without further ado, here is the quote for today:

"In this house,
all must be friends,
all must be loved,
all must be held dear,
all must be helped."
              ~St Teresa of Avila.

I wish that my brother & sister Christ-followers would heed the advice of this little nun.

The Church that Jesus founded is not a Church of exclusion. It was , and still IS a Church of INCLUSION. Scripture is full of stories with Our Lord Jesus went out of His way to help those who were different than Him and His followers.

Today is the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington, DC and the famous "I have a Dream" speech by Dr Martin Luther King , Junior.

We have come a long way in our quest for civil rights for everyone in the 50 years since Dr King spoke at the March on Washington.

Even in 21st Century America and even in the Church Universal, I see a lot of divisions.

Racism, although more hidden and not " politically-correct" is still alive & well in some parts of this great nation. Thankfully, I see the next generation as much more accepting of racial diversity than our for bearers.

Women in business still earn less per capita than their equally-qualified male counterparts.

Hetero-centricity still runs rampant. My heart aches for my GLBT Christian sisters & brothers who are denied basic civil rights. Young GLBT persons struggle with the " coming out " process , often fearing severe repercussion from family members. The school of thought that GLBT persons can be " cured" of their " condition  via reparative therapy is still held as truth among some circles.

Humanity is wonderful in its diversity.  Despite the kicking & screaming fits of the WASP, society is becoming more tolerant of diversity.

Let us keep on fighting the good fight  and marching towards shalom.


Sunday, August 25, 2013

A wee bit homesick{ or, "I hate August & September in Florida}

Sometimes one just needs to " gripe."

I'll commence with the good news: Best Dude has been slowly but surely building our chicken coop.  Here is a photo of the past few days' work on Project Bock Bock Bock Jack:

He added the walls & even windows. You cannot see it in the photo, but there is also a floor.  We have an old desk that will serve as our nest/roost area for the chickens.

In other news: I hate summers in Florida and I am so weary of this RAIN! Normally I am no fan of August & September{ Florida summers are hot, humid & LONG!} I grew up in the northeast, so when August of each year rolls around I am ready to don long pants & a light jacket. After nearly 15 years of living in Florida I am still not accustomed to these 7-month-long summers. People who live up North and think that living in the State of Perpetual Sunshine means 12 months of Beach Weather you are sadly mistaken.  It has been so rainy this summer that I never attained my customary Florida tan.  If it is not raining the humidity deems any sort of outdoor activity  as miserable.

 I am not the only one in our household who despises this weather.Our dog does not even enjoy his morning walks when the humidity is so high---and he REALLY hates walking in the torrential rain.

Summers in Florida are just too damn long. Autumn & Spring in Florida are way too damn short.  I miss my four seasons.

I am grateful that the coast has {thus far} avoided being hit by a " H-Storm". But , since my trip back to the Northern Appalachians, I've yearned for a reprieve from the rain, humidity and broiling temps And I shall admit it here: I miss my friends up North. As much as I try, I am not & probably never will be a true Floridian.  August & September are the two months out of the year that I really feel my  geographical " otherness" .

I miss hills, big shade trees that molt their leaves every autumn, cooler " football weather", snow, , watching EVERY Steeler football game on TV, and a host of other tidbits of life in Northern Appalachia. Yet I cannot deny that Northwest Florida is home now...and that I have carved out a good life for myself here.

It is not easy to bloom where I am planted. Deep within myself I know that I am meant to be here & I do not wish to mess up the equilibrium of my life as it is currently.

Neither Best Dude nor I play the lottery, but if I won said lottery I'd find us a small plane for frequent trips up North.


Friday, August 23, 2013

feminism is not always about hating men

I found a quote today that speaks to my philosophy on feminism.

" You don't have to be anti-man to be pro-woman." ~ Jane Galvin Lewis

I am a feminist. Yet I would rather be the lone woman among a group of men than among a group of women. I derive more positive energy from mixed-gender groups than I do in a group of humans of my own gender.

Some of my dearest friends are men and I value them as much as many of my feminist-leaning friends value their gal pals. In some ways men make better friends than women, as there is not the competition that is often seen among friends of my gender.  Gloria Steinem is the perfect example of the fierce man-hater who is held on the proverbial pedestal by the mainline feminist movement. Now I know full well that she's an icon in womens' history but I disagree with her on many issues.

I do count several women among my closest confidants, but unlike many women I know I do not actively seek out new girl friends. Actually, I don't seek out many new friendships at all & am pleasantly surprised when one forms.

It baffles me that some women think that   "womens' equality must mean man-hating.  Is not the purpose of the womens' movement EQUALITY with men? How can one profess to be equal with men & still harbor such bitterness towards the opposite gender? Think about it: we are all HUMAN & to me the fight for equality should not place any one group of humans as " better than" another group.

Of course my version of feminism calls for me to take pride in being a woman. Unlike many in the "femi-nazi" school of thought, I totally enjoy dressing and behaving like a traditional woman.

For instance, today I went shopping for a new dress. I am very particular about dresses & sought out a dress that was longer in length . { It was quite a hunt, but I did find a pretty dress that met my specifications}I also enjoy cooking good meals for Best Dude. Now of course I do not feel that its " the woman's job" to enjoy cooking  and that " women MUST look like women" but it IS part of who I am.

As a feminist I feel its my prerogative to be the sort of female person that I see fit.  I do not think that man-hating is doing anything to help women. More importantly, I love Best Dude AND all my guy friends & feel grateful for their presence in my life.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Introverts are awesome

I'm introverted. In addition to having mild autism, I am also naturally introverted. It is not that I do not like people, it is just that constant and meaningless " chitchat" drains my energy.

Some people with autism are very extroverted and I am sure they have their own unique struggles. But as an introverted person on the autism spectrum, I have the "double trouble" of not understanding people and also feeling physically & emotionally " drained" by prolonged social interactions.

I enjoy meaningful conversations with my closest friends { both online & in person} But parties and other such events drain my energy  and leave me tired , grumpy and in the worst cases, feeling physically ill.  Small groups of people whom I know are tolerable & sometimes even fun but I will never master the art of "small talk".

While introversion is a prized trait in some cultures of the world, but not so much in our fast-paced " Western" culture.  Its often the quiet ones who are overlooked in favor of their equally-qualified colleagues when it comes to promotions. Since we introverts do not do well in the " networking" arena, its hard for us to find our {carefully-thought-out}words before an extrovert easily chats up the very person with whom we had hoped to communicate.

Politics of any sort can be a horrible experience for we introverts. Even  something as an election to a church governing board puts us at a disadvantage since we are uncomfortable with chit-chat. Best Dude pointed out to me once that people will vote for who they know & since yours truly does not do idle talk very well, not many really KNOW me or my ideas.  Of course I have ideas---but since I'm not a talker, I am uncomfortable with sharing said ideas with casual acquaintances.

I'm happy with who I am. But I do wish that the extroverts in my life would realize that there is a lot more to me than they realize.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Chicken Coop Progress

 Best Dude added some more to the chicken coop.

The roof is framed.

He plans to shingle the roof of the chicken house.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Bock Bock Bock , Jack

I know that the _Duck Dynasty_ reference did not register with people who do not follow the hit show on A & E. Best Dude & I are faithful " Quackers" and naturally I anticipate the new episode that will air on Wednesday.

Anyhow, Best Dude & I are planning to raise chickens{ hens, NOT roosters!!} Currently he is in the process of building a coop for the 6-8 hens whom we hope to add to our little homestead soon.

Here is the progress that he has made in the Building Of The Coop so far. These photos were taken with my Nikon and edited on the Toshiba laptop computer.

This is the wood that Brian got for the coop.

After must debate, we finally agreed on just where in the backyard that said coop will go. Since we opted for a permanent structure{ as opposed to the " chicken tractor" option"} we had to carefully choose the place where our chickens will roost.
This is the frame of the chicken house. Brian built these out of pressure-treated lumber.


Sunday, August 18, 2013

Things I would tell my 18-year-old self.....

Have you ever wondered what you would tell your younger self if you had a chance to time-travel?

One of my favorite Brad Paisley songs is " Letter To Me" The lyrics basically are a letter to Mr. Paisley's 17-year-old self.

If I could write a letter to myself  during the summer that I graduated from high school, this is what I would say:

Dear 18-year-old Sarah Beth:

Congrats! After four years of hell, you made it through high school.  Much awaits you on this journey called adulthood.

You WILL make it through college: although your post-secondary academic career will take a detour.

Don't worry, your first three years of undergrad will NOT be a waste of time--- you'll meet some of your dearest friends { and your first true love} at Small College. Your faith in God will grow, and Campus Ministries will be instrumental in the development of both your social and spiritual life.  Embrace all the opportunities that your time at Small College offers, both the good & the not-so-good times. Take a variety of demanding courses and do not worry about graduating in four years--- so much more is ahead of you than you can ever imagine as a college freshman.

Cherish the friends you'll make at Small College, as these people will be an emotional " lifeline" later.

Regarding your very first true heartbreak: remember that " if you love something or someone, let him go. If he comes back to you, he's yours. If he doesn't, he was never "yours" in the first place.

Enjoy your time with Pap. Tell him that you love him every chance you see him. No one lives forever. Ditto for Granny Jeanne, she really does love you. Try to ignore her sharp tongue , or better yet---laugh at some of the inane things she says. She won't be around forever either.

Listen to your parents. They really do hold your best interests in mind. There are some things that parental units just * cannot* understand, but know that they love you & only wish for your happiness.

Be open-minded regarding the move to Florida { Yes, you will move to Florida} Embrace what the " Sunshine State" has to offer. It is OK to be homesick, as you are an Appalachian Girl forever, but just know that Florida will eventually endear itself to you.

Follow where the Holy Spirit'll come to a crisis in your faith life but know that God is always with you. You will be just fine & the existential faith crisis will be the vessel that God uses to bring you to a wonderful faith community. Be not afraid.

Do not worry about meeting the right guy. He is for sure worth the wait! You have so many good years ahead of you.

Live. Laugh. Love.

Sarah at age 37

Friday, August 16, 2013

Proud Auntie

I just got back from a trip to Atlanta. My brother & his wife gave birth to their first child, a little boy, about three weeks ago.

He. Is. So. Cute!

I know that ALL new Aunts & Uncles say that their niece/nephew is the cutest baby ever, but our family's new addition for sure could be a contender in a " beautiful baby" contest.

Being an Aunt is GREAT!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Say it, darn you!

I know someone who is at the end stages of a terrible cancer. he is a good man & my heart just breaks for him & his family.

No one handles the pending death of a friend /loved one well. While my heart is sore for the pain that this family must face as they prepare to say goodbye to their husband/father/brother/uncle/son, son-in/law/brother-in-arms, etc etc I've been thinking about my own life.

There is much I've left unsaid to those whom I love.

I'm not good with emotions, to me it is much easier for me to cope with the world with a Mr Spock-like logic{ Star Trek}. I can deal with facts, but emotions render me stupid. I'm bad with ALL human emotions , even such happy occasions such as weddings confuse me. Human emotions & responses to such emotions frustrate & mystify me.  Although I FEEL deeply I often either totally lack a response to said emotion or have a totally inappropriate response.

I say all this just to make a point. There is much I wish I could tell people that I just{ for one reason or another}cannot.

Reba McIntyre has a wonderful song that echos how I felt about my Pap. The lyrics that *almost* have me in tears every time go something like this " He never said 'I love you' / I guess he though I knew" .

One person who immediately comes to mind is a friend of many years from my time at First College. This individual has played a big part in my life , but due to circumstances I have never told this person how much they mean & have always meant to me. During the years, this friend & I have seen each other through some major life events. Illness, a divorce, my moving to Florida, the death of one of their parents & the death of my Pap,a publication of a book{clearly not my accomplishment} my brother's wedding, my finally finding happiness with Best Dude, travels. You get the idea: we've been through a lot.

But I never told them.

We live hundred s of miles apart now & all I want to do is tell this individual how blessed I am to have them in my life & that I've always treasured the somewhat unorthodox yet very deep friendship-in-Christ we share.

But how should I do this?

Facebook is totally inappropriate. Email isn't much better than Facebook, at least in my opinion. Should I write a 'snail mail' letter & send it via US Post? Maybe I should call & tell them?
I don't know.

Color me confused.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

' Burghing....on a summer's afternoon.

Two of my aunts and I took a short road trip from Hometown into Pittsburgh one day . We met Urbanne Cousin for lunch in the part of the city that was previously known as East Liberty. { now I've learned it goes by the trendier moniker of "Eastside".

O City Of Pittsburgh, please just leave well-enough alone! Its hard enough for me to get accustomed to the Penguins' home as " Mellon Arena" when all my life it has gone by the simpler name of " Pittsburgh Civic Arena".

I'm just sayin'....

Anyhow, we met Urbanne at her place of employment  & took a brief city walk to a very chic gourmet hamburger place known as BRGR. { Yes, I spelled that correctly: it is really BRGR}

 See? I told you it is really BRGR! 

We ate some tasty albeit expensive hamburgers and enjoyed some good conversation with Urbanne, whom I had not seen in two summers. She is ten years younger than me, but in many ways I look to her for inspiration. I only wish I possessed some of the chutzpah that my younger cousin shows.

I love Pittsburgh!

Friday, July 19, 2013

My Hometown

I concluded my trip with a visit to  Hometown, { western} Pa.

Usually this part of my trip is pleasant, but not traditionally " fun". My father's family have been hear since the 1800-something & most of them still live in that very county where our ancestors came to from Ireland.

There is not a lot to to in Hometown, PA. One of the traditions that is the most meaningful to me is the Supper At Grandma's House. My grandmother is an excellent cook & she makes a weekly meal for  the children & grandchildren. { not all of them show up, but there is always a crowd at the table.

Here is the set table before the meal.

 There is nothing as tasty as Pennsylvania sweet corn.
 Family members visting in Grandma's living room.

I also visited the campus Of Small Pennsylvania Public College, where my uncle teaches.

 This pretty bloom caught my attention as I walked aroudn the main part of campus.
 I miss the gently rolling Appalachian hills of western Pennsylvania

More Lake 2013 Photo Memories

It is pouring down rain this morning here in Florida. Best Dude & I hoped to go walk on the beach this morning, but it looks like we'll be housebound again today. I am weary of this wet, humid summer weather here on the Gulf Coast.  One of the best aspects of summers at the lake is how I can walk in the mornings & evenings wearing jeans & a t-shirt.

This is a fine-looking vintage Airstream camper that I saw during one of my walks at the Lake.

This is the dock where G and I tanned ourselves. It floats , but is easily accessible from the bank of the lake. I love the nautical look of the lifesaver ring.

 I cooled my tired feet off in the creek The creek was high & gently babbling & the water felt so good on my feet. When I was younger I spent much time in the creeks.

This creek is the same creek that ran near the house in Ohio where I lived. There was an empty lot behind the house that was used as a hideout among the neighborhood young people.

  I've always liked this little red footbridge near my favorite wading place at the Lake.

Some campers decorated the site with painted rocks.

The sunsets over the Lake are amazing.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

G & S's Great Glamping Adventure, 2013

My best gal pal and I went " Glamping" at the Lake over the Fourth Of July. She rented one of the cabins at the Lake & we stayed down there for two nights. It was fun , and I am glad we had this quality time together.

Here is the exterior of our little cabin. Isn't it pretty?

 I took some photos of the interior after we settled in. I apologize for the mess. The cabin has a set of bunk beds, one queen-sized lower bunk & one upper bunk { on which I slept} that is a twin bed. It also had a futon that can sleep two more people. We did not have a kitchen { nor plumbing} in this cabin, but we DID enjoy electricity.

Our front porch boasted a rocking chair & a porch swing. Since the cabin has no water, I had to brush my teeth on the porch in the mornings & evenings. Thankfully the " facilities" were located within a very short walking distance from this cabin.
We ate a lot of traditional " camp food", but one lunch had us eating Ramen noodles out of microwavable pots ! {College flashback, anyone? }
 Although we tried to have a fire , the rain was a challenge. Our meager fire was fun, however & we burned several sheets of old newspapers in our fire-building attempt.

One the Fourth, G and I were treated to a motorboat ride around the Lake. We were fortunate enough to see a juvenile eagle{ no I could not get a photo of it--as it was too far in the sky}
It was a wonderful experience & one that I shall treasure forever.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

One especially nice day at the Lake

My vacation to the mountains this year was GREAT!  { other than the hideous flight experience home, I have absolutely no complaints about my time up North.

One day in particular will stay with me for a long time. Best Dude & I hike out coastal paradise & it is wonderful in its own{ very flat} way. Since I grew up in the Appalachian woodlands, coastal hiking is inferior to hiking in the mountains.

My friend CK, who is a botanist & a professor at a midsized university in the Southeast, came to the Lake to spend the day with me. Now it isn't unusual for some of my good friends to come visit with me when I'm at the Lake, but CK and I had not seen each other in person for 16 years!

Yup, we hadn't seen each other in person for  16 year yet we maintained our friendship. That fact in itself is , in my opinion, pretty darn awesome.

Anyhow, we spent a lot of time walking. CK, being a botanist, examined & identified many different plants we saw on our hikes.

This is a " Shag Bark Hickory" tree. Note the unusual bark. Don't ask me to recall the scientific names of any of the flora we saw on our hikes: I'm not *that*much into plants!

This is the view of the path up the hillside that we took. the " head" of this particular trail is located right behind " Granny's" house. I've walked this trail several times before, but had not done so in YEARS until this summer. Last year I got hurt whilst hiking solo , so I shall ALWAYS take another hiker with me on my excursions.

 This is known as a  Resurrection Fern. I think it is pretty, growing out of a seemingly barren rocky hillside.

Here is the phoebe bird nest that we found above the front door on Granny's porch. We could not tell if the nest had eggs or not, so we did not touch it.

Later that day, we took a pontoon boat ride around to the other end of the Lake.  I LOVE the view of the mountains surrounding the lake valley & captured several images with my Nikon camera.

There is a huge maple tree towards which I have always felt an affinity located in the park. When I came early to work there during summers of high school and my First College, I would often bring a book & sit under this tree reading until my shift started.  I found out later that the tree is a Black Maple tree, identified by its seed pods.

It is true that I belong on the Northern Gulf Coast of Florida now, but a part of my essence shall remain Appalachian.

Heir Watch & other strange pop cultural fascinations by we Americans

I just do not understand the fascination that some Americans have with the British royalty.

After all, did we not declare our independence from the British throne back in 1776?

Now don't get me wrong, I am happy for Prince William and the duchess. I can also understand my British friends' fascination with Baby Royal. Yet as an American I am befuddled by my fellow & sister Americans' desire to follow the members of the House of Windsor.

Heir Watch is just one pop culture phenomena that confuses me.

Another pop culture sensation that I do not understand is the popularity of TLC's "reality TV show" _Here Comes Honey Boo-Boo" What is so special about this " beauty pageant" contestant & her parents that she's known now by her silly nickname?  Granted, I cop to watching some silly " reality TV" { for instance, I LOVE A&E's _Duck Dynasty_} But I fail to understand the appeal of a reality show starring a spoilt 7-year-old child & her parents.  But again, I still fail to comprehend the popularity of the Kardashians. Can someone please tell me why these women are famous? Thanks. :O)

While we are on the subject of strange social phenomena, can someone please explain why " Flash mobs" occur & why  so-called " spontaneous" dancing by large groups of people in a public place is done at all?

Maybe my autism prevents me from understanding why " pop culture" is so intriguing to many people?  Perhaps I will seek out some scholarly research on the sociological implications popular culture trends.  I find that I understand social & personal behavior of humans if I view it from a more scientific point of view.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

One Bread, One Body

I've been on vacation for the past 11 days , and it has been wonderful.

The majority of my time here in Appalachia was spent at my godparents' campground in Ohio. I swam, boated, and hiked all over the place & visited with several friends from high school . One of the highlights of my time at the lake was a long-awaited { 16 years!!} reunion with a friend from First College.

Naturally I took many photos & eventually I will pare down the " best of the best" of the vacation photos for public viewing.

Today I will go to Roman Catholic mass at St Pauls' Roman Catholic Parish here in Steel Town, PA. While it is true that I am a proud Episcopalian, at heart I am a high-Church Anglo-Catholic. As a matter of fact, when I was in the middle of my faith-identity crisis---I {albeit briefly} considered officially returning to the Roman Church. There are a myriad of reasons why I felt led to Anglicanism, but the main reason is our style of worship & other Traditions mirror that of the Roman Church.

Some of my Roman Catholic friends will totally disagree with me, but I feel that Anglican & Roman Catholics ARE different branches of the same Body of Christ. My reasons for choosing the Anglican way over the Roman  had to do with human-made rules.

We are all part of One Bread & One Body.


Wednesday, June 26, 2013


I'm leaving for my two-week vacation. My flight out of Pensacola is scheduled to leave at 11:05 A.M.. After a three-hour layover in Atlanta{ and providing that nothing goes wrong with my connecting flight to Pittsburgh} I'll arrive in Pittsburgh at 5:42 EST.

I NEED this break. While I' will miss Best Dude & Big Dog terribly when I am away, I know that I'll be home to the Gulf Coast .

Friends up North tell me that it is hot & humid there , too. However, I feel a need to escape the Deep South at least once per year . I need to remember my roots in order to rest & re-create .

there will be hiking, swimming, eating & late-night talks with friends.

On Sunday I am worshipping at the church where I was baptized.

I'll spend July 4 NOT WORKING at the Lake for once.

I'll see a friend  in person for the first time in 16 years.

Hopefully Grandma Anne will take me to Sunday Mass in Butler & I will enjoy Sunday supper at her house with kin.

It is already looking up to be a great time of Re-Creation for me.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

5 days out.....The ATL airport.

Five days out until  Northern Vacation Trip 2013.

I'm stoked, but also a bit nervous. In order to get anywhere from where I live in Florida, one must go through Atlanta's airport. Four three years in a row---my travel plans have been delayed by flight issues in Atlanta. Now perhaps this trip will be different--but I'm not counting on my connection in Atlanta being easy.

I hate airports. While I love flying " shotgun" in private planes, commercial airports & airplanes freak me out. there are too many people crammed into a small space on those big jets & I almost ALWAYS end up with seatmates with no clue about maintaining one's personal space. Yuck. I'll be sure to pack some of my prescription anti-anxiety pills in my carry-on luggage ---I will probably need to use them.

I hate airports in general & the Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport in particular.

It is HUGE. Literally, I think that a whole small city can fit inside the main terminal.

The gates' seats are not good for someone with issues regarding personal space. Usually I sit on the floor against a lwall as far away from my sister & fellow travellers as physically possible.

The wi-fi at that terminal is not free! Yes: the tiny Pensacola airport offers free wi-fi to patrons but Hartsfield-Jackson expects travellers to pay to get online. No, thanks.

I'm HOPING to make plans to attend the Pittsburgh Three Rivers Regatta with some friends while I'm up North this year. This is exciting for me: I have not been to a regatta since I was a child & I am REALLY looking forward to sharing that experience with some good friends from First College.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Mobile blogging. Yeah there is an app for that

 Best Dude bought me an Ipod Touch for my birthday. This morning I downloaded (for free) the Blogger app. I am not sure how much I will use this feature, as the pull-out keyboard on the Ipod is hard for my clumsy hands and fingers to maneuver. 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

another foray into the world of fiction{writing}

My muse is back. She has taken quite a long hiatus, but returned in full-force.


There is nothing quite like one's approaching 20th high school reunion { next summer, Class of 1994!} to put one into a retrospective mood.

Anyhow, I recently signed up for the online fiction-writing & sharing community called { my screen name there is: sarahbethmac}  I'm still in the process of writing my first fiction to be published there, but if anyone is interested, just message me on Facebook. I can let you know when I upload the finished product.

One of my reasons for joining is so I can get some online motivation & accountability from other writers. years ago I was part of a writers group here in Beach Town, but I've since stopped attending meeting  after I realized I hadn't any work to share with others. Plus, since I cannot drive, attending the nighttime meetings depended heavily on rides from other people.

Anyhow, the basic premise of my story is as follows:

A woman returns to her hometown in time for her 20th high school reunion. She agrees to meet an old flame from her college years at a restaurant.near her alma mater. As they chat, they both come to realize that, although they will always be good friends, their lives have taken them in paths that are not compatible now.

This story is actually one that has been " floating" around in my mind  since I first heard the Garth Brooks song _Unanswered Prayers_.


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A friend is a friend forever...until you get " unfriended"

I am getting closer to Vacation 2013. Today I organized my clothing in our spare bedroom, made a " to-do"list of tasks to complete within the next few days and made a phone call to my favorite aunt in Pennsylvania.

On the agenda for this trip is a visit with a long term friend from my First College. We met in church when I was a freshman & we've maintained a very good friendship ever since then. We haven't seen each other in person for 17 years, so I am really looking forward to spending some quality time with him after years of maintaining contact via email, occasional phone calls & now Facebook.

Although I've MANY gripes regarding Facebook, at the same time I'm grateful that this social tool has put me in contact { or in closer contact} with people whom I otherwise would not hear from at all{ or very rarely}

Which brings me to the phenomenon known as **UNFRIENDING**. If you use Facebook at all, there is a good chance that you have been "unfriended" by someone. There is even a better chance that you have "unfriended" someone. Now I know that online " unfriending" is {usually} not one-and-the-same with actually ending a friendship IRL {in real life}. Its especially awkward when someone whom you DO know & see regularly suddenly chooses to end your association online.  Maybe I'm reading too much into this , but if I've offended someone, I generally wish for the chance to make amends. If I am " unfriended" by an associate without an explanation, I am wary of contacting him or her again offline.

Now I know that, in the great scheme of human interactions, that unfriending is not really much of a big deal. But let's be honest for a moment, when one finds out that an associate IRL has " unfriended" one on Facebook, one feels a bit miffed.

Or perhaps it is worse when someone "unfriends" you and you KNOW his or her reason for said unfriending. An example from my own life: I was e-pals with this woman whom I'd met via  Facebook on a Facebook group for socially-progressive Episcopalians. We have a lot in common & emailed/talked regularly. She lives in a northern city & although we'd never met in person i considered her a friend{ you know, sort of like the "pen pals" of old} Anyhow, when Best Dude & I started dating , this e-pal suddenly unfriended me. Although I'm not positive{ she hasn't contacted me since} I'm almost certain that my changing my relationship status from *single* to *in a relationship* bothered her to the point that she wanted to cut off contact.


Just sayin' .

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Various & sundry musings.....

I know it has been awhile since I have composed an update.

It is hot as Hades here in Northwest Florida. I'm still going to the gym faithfully almost every day & I'm REALLY seeing results of my training. This morning I completed the 30-minute pre-set "cardio challenge" on the treadmill **and** followed this intense workout with some lifting. I was tired , but after a rest & a healthy lunch I felt reinvigorated.

Life has been treating me , Best Dude & our dog pretty well lately.

I went to Atlanta last weekend for my sister-in-law's baby shower & it was okay{ I've never been the sort of woman who enjoys bridal or baby showers--but this one WAS for my soon-to-be-born nephew after all!} It was great to get the heck out of Beach Town for a weekend & on Saturday my Original Family & I ate supper at a very hip little diner  that specialized in healthy { and mostly vegetarian} cuisine.

My trip to the mountains will happen in approximately one week. This morning I started gathering clothing that I plan to pack to take with me. Since AirTran charges 25 dollars per trip per luggage, I am squashing everything I need into one carry-on-sized suitcase & my one " personal item" bag. I've done this before & with a bit of planning & access to a laundry facility it is possible.  I have the money to pay these baggage fees, but I object to doing so on principle. Really, I cannot see the reason { other than pure corporate greed} for charging paying passengers an additional fee just to check ONE bag through to one's destination.

Anyhow, that is what has been happening in my life.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Snapshots via my Ipod

I have a new IPod Touch 5 { the best boyfriend in the world bought it for me as my birthday gift} Anyhow, one of the coolest features of the IPod is its mobile camera.

Recently I've discovered Instagram & I am TOTALLY addicted to posting photos of mundane slices of life. {If you want, follow me on Instagram at :Springermamma12.}

Anyhow, here is a photo that I took today of our dog, Seamus.

I also have an app for the Ipod that allows me to make photo collages. Here is an example of some of the work I've done with that feature. This image is the " profile photo" for my parish's Facebook page.